
Showing posts from December, 2023

Authentication and Authorization in ASP.NET Core 6 Web API by Roland Guijt Mod 1: Course Overview Course Overview Mod 2: API Authentication with Keys and Cookies The Starting Situation Key Protection with Middleware a rudimentary way of protecting a webapi; use a middleware to check for api key in header (not recommended by author)  to be able to use security headers in swagger, you have to configure it in code. use the OpenApiSecurityRequirement object Key Protection with an Attribute the solution from previous clip can be implemented as an attribute if an attribute requires dependency injection, attribute will need to be used like this: [TypeFilter(typeof(ApiKeyAttribute))] Cookie Authentication Configuring Cookies and Schemes Restricting Access with the Authorize Attribute Accessing User Information Mod 3: Protecting APIs with Tokens OAuth2 and the Identity Provider tokens for APIs are called access token; for front ends, it is called identity to...

SEO Strategy: Link Building by Paddy Moogan Introduction Leveraging link building in your SEO strategy 1. The Importance of Link Building for SEO Navigating the link-building landscape How link building fits in your overall SEO strategy Why links became such a strong ranking signal Chapter Quiz 2. The Fundamentals of Link Building for SEO The anatomy of a link in addition to rel='nofollow', you can use rel='ugc' and rel='sponsored'. ugc refers to links to comments in an article or a form post What you need to know about PageRank What makes for a good and bad link How to analyze a link profile moz link explorer - detailed backlink research An overview of link-building tactics: Good and bad Chapter Quiz 3. The Link-Building Process What makes your link worthy? How to find websites that may link to you How to contact websites for link building An introduction to content-led link building How to use guest blogging correctly Local bu...

Creating Object-oriented TypeScript Code by Dan Wahlin Mod 1: Course Overview Course Overview Mod 2: Introduction to Object-oriented Programming in TypeScript Overview Introduction The Role of Objects Object Creation Techniques Object-oriented Concepts Summary Mod 3: Classes and Objects Introduction The Role of Classes Creating a Class Adding Class Members Creating a Class Instance Constructors and Properties a TypeScript class can only have one constructor  Static Members a TypeScript class can have static members and methods Summary Mod 4: Inheritance and Abstraction Introduction The Role of Inheritance Inheriting from a Class The Role of Abstract Classes Creating and Inheriting from an Abstract Class Overriding Members Summary Mod 5: Interfaces and Polymorphism Introduction The Role of Interfaces Creating an Interface an interface can extend another interface. not only that, it can extend multiple interfaces Using Interfaces Interfaces, C...

Migrating ASP.NET Core Web Applications to Azure by Christian Wenz Introduction Migrating your ASP.NET Core apps like a pro What you should know Prerequisites Keeping an eye on costs Chapter Quiz I. Getting Started with Azure Terminology Hosting options Resource group setup Chapter Quiz 2. Moving ASP.NET Core Apps to Azure ASP.NET Core options Looking at the sample application Deploying a web application to Azure with Visual Studio Deploying a web application to Azure with Visual Studio Code Deploying Blazor applications to Azure Using Azure Functions Deploying Azure Functions Calling Azure Functions from Blazor WebAssembly Chapter Quiz 3. Moving Databases to Azure Azure database options Updating the sample application Publishing the application Deploying databases to Azure Handling secrets with Azure Key Vault Other database options Chapter Quiz 4. Migration Tools Migration tool options Azure App Service Migration Assistant windows application tha...

Learning Azure Durable Functions by Adrienne Braganza Tacke Introduction Introduction to Durable Functions 1. Why Durable Functions? A quick refresher on Azure Functions Problems with Azure Functions Introducing Durable Functions Chapter Quiz 2. What Is a Durable Function? The types of Durable Functions The client function The orchestrator function orchestrator function have built in retry functionality orchestrator function can run forever The activity function The entity function Chapter Quiz 3. Setting up Your Dev Environment for Durable Functions Install Visual Studio Verify Azurite emulator is installed and running a visual studio install comes with an azure storage emulator Install the Azure CLI Install the Azure Functions Core Tools lets you develop and test your functions on your local computer Chapter Quiz 4. Create a Durable Function Create a Function app project Add a durable function to the app Test the function locally Publish the proj...

Angular Best Practices

Image by Jim Cooper Mod 1: Course Overview Course Overview Mod 2: Angular Application Structure and Organization Introduction Setting up Our Environment Getting Started with the Angular CLI File Naming Best Practices Folder Organization One Item per File Summary Mod 3: General Coding Best Practices Introduction The Single Responsibility Principle Symbol Naming Best Practices Prefer Immutability Use Small Functions Use Strict Mode Summary Mod 3: Angular Module Organization Introduction The Core Module (To Be or Not to Be) The App Routing Module newer angular cli projects will put routing in its own module Creating a Shared Module Creating Feature Modules Summary Mod 4: Angular Components Best Practices Introduction Prefixing Component Selectors Separating Component CSS and Template Files Decorating Input and Output Properties Delegating Complex Logic to Services Component Member Sequence Implementing Lifecycle Hook Interfaces When to ...

Advanced Querying Techniques in SQL Server   by Gerald Britton Mod 1: Course Overview Course Overview Mod 2: Navigating Data Hierarchies Using Recursive Queries Introduction to Recursive Queries Using the WITH Statement Demo: Iterative Queries Using the WITH Statement Writing Recursive Transact-SQL Demo: Simple Recursive Queries you can use the MAXRECURSION clause to safeguard against an infinite loop cause by a recursive query how to generate Fibonacci series using recursive t-sql T-SQL Restrictions for Recursive Queries Cannot be used with recursive queries SELECT DISTINCT GROUP BY, HAVING Scalar aggregation (SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX etc.) PIVOT (SQL Server 2012 or later) TOP LEFT, RIGHT, OUTER JOIN (INNER JOIN is allowed) Subqueries Demo: Navigating a Data Hierarchy Using Recursion in T-SQL Module Summary SQL Server maximum recursion (32,767) Mod 3: Aggregating Data Using the PIVOT and UNPIVOT Clauses Introduction to PIVOT and UNPIVOT Demo: Pivoti...