Angular Best Practices

by Jim Cooper

Mod 1: Course Overview

  1. Course Overview

Mod 2: Angular Application Structure and Organization

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up Our Environment
  3. Getting Started with the Angular CLI
  4. File Naming Best Practices
  5. Folder Organization
  6. One Item per File
  7. Summary

Mod 3: General Coding Best Practices

  1. Introduction
  2. The Single Responsibility Principle
  3. Symbol Naming Best Practices
  4. Prefer Immutability
  5. Use Small Functions
  6. Use Strict Mode
  7. Summary

Mod 3: Angular Module Organization
  1. Introduction
  2. The Core Module (To Be or Not to Be)
  3. The App Routing Module
    • newer angular cli projects will put routing in its own module
  4. Creating a Shared Module
  5. Creating Feature Modules
  6. Summary
Mod 4: Angular Components Best Practices
  1. Introduction
  2. Prefixing Component Selectors
  3. Separating Component CSS and Template Files
  4. Decorating Input and Output Properties
  5. Delegating Complex Logic to Services
  6. Component Member Sequence
  7. Implementing Lifecycle Hook Interfaces
  8. When to (And Not to) Create Components
    • simple spinner component 

      to use:

  9. Summary
Mod 6: Angular Services Best Practices
  1. Introduction
  2. Use @Injectable Instead of @Inject
  3. Best Practices for Providing Services
  4. Using Services for Data Retrieval
  5. Summary
Mod 7: Angular Performance Best Practices
  1. Introduction
  2. Lazy Loading Feature Modules
    • making a module lazy loadable

      the child module will need to implement RouterModule.forChild

  3. Deploying Production Builds
  4. Monitoring Bundle Sizes
    • there are many types of budget types; bundle, initial (the default), allScript, all, anyComponentStyle, anyScript any
  5. Using OnPush Change Detection (Or Not)
  6. Pure and Impure Pipe Performance
    • example of making a pipe not pure
  7. Summary


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