Angular Best Practices
by Jim Cooper
Mod 1: Course Overview
- Course Overview
Mod 2: Angular Application Structure and Organization
- Introduction
- Setting up Our Environment
- Getting Started with the Angular CLI
- File Naming Best Practices
- Folder Organization
- One Item per File
- Summary
- Introduction
- The Single Responsibility Principle
- Symbol Naming Best Practices
- Prefer Immutability
- Use Small Functions
- Use Strict Mode
- Summary
Mod 3: Angular Module Organization
- Introduction
- The Core Module (To Be or Not to Be)
- The App Routing Module
- newer angular cli projects will put routing in its own module
- Creating a Shared Module
- Creating Feature Modules
- Summary
Mod 4: Angular Components Best Practices
- Introduction
- Prefixing Component Selectors
- Separating Component CSS and Template Files
- Decorating Input and Output Properties
- Delegating Complex Logic to Services
- Component Member Sequence
- Implementing Lifecycle Hook Interfaces
- When to (And Not to) Create Components
- simple spinner component
to use: - Summary
Mod 6: Angular Services Best Practices
- Introduction
- Use @Injectable Instead of @Inject
- Best Practices for Providing Services
- Using Services for Data Retrieval
- Summary
Mod 7: Angular Performance Best Practices
- Introduction
- Lazy Loading Feature Modules
- making a module lazy loadable
- Deploying Production Builds
- Monitoring Bundle Sizes
- there are many types of budget types; bundle, initial (the default), allScript, all, anyComponentStyle, anyScript any
- Using OnPush Change Detection (Or Not)
- Pure and Impure Pipe Performance
- example of making a pipe not pure
- Summary
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