Learning Azure Durable Functions


by Adrienne Braganza Tacke


  1. Introduction to Durable Functions

1. Why Durable Functions?

  1. A quick refresher on Azure Functions
  2. Problems with Azure Functions
  3. Introducing Durable Functions
  4. Chapter Quiz

2. What Is a Durable Function?
  1. The types of Durable Functions
  2. The client function
  3. The orchestrator function
    • orchestrator function have built in retry functionality
    • orchestrator function can run forever
  4. The activity function
  5. The entity function
  6. Chapter Quiz
3. Setting up Your Dev Environment for
  1. Durable Functions
  2. Install Visual Studio
  3. Verify Azurite emulator is installed and running
    • a visual studio install comes with an azure storage emulator
  4. Install the Azure CLI
  5. Install the Azure Functions Core Tools
    • lets you develop and test your functions on your local computer
  6. Chapter Quiz
4. Create a Durable Function
  1. Create a Function app project
  2. Add a durable function to the app
  3. Test the function locally
  4. Publish the project to Azure
  5. Test your function in Azure
  6. Chapter Quiz
5. Durable Function Patterns
  1. Function chaining
  2. Fan-out/fan-in
  3. Async HTTP APIs
  4. Monitor pattern
  5. Human interaction pattern
    • example of implementing workflow using durable functions
  6. Aggregator pattern
  7. Chapter Quiz
  1. Next steps


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