Working with Git and GitHub in Visual Studio 2022

by Thomas Claudius Huber

Course Overview

  1. Course Overview

Understanding Git and GitHub

  1. Introduction
  2. What You Will Learn in This Course
  3. Understand Git and GitHub
    • Types of Version Control Systems
      • Local
      • Centralized
      • Distributed
        • GIT
  4. Know the Origin of Git
  5. Summary

Creating and Cloning Git Repositories

  1. Introduction
  2. Create a .NET Console Application
    • Visual Studio snippet: CW for Console.Writeline
  3. Configure Git in Visual Studio
    • to set git Username and Email, go to Git -> Settings -> Source Control -> Git Global Settings
  4. Create a Local Git Repository
    • shows how to create a local Git repository
    • shows how to set the default branch name for new repositories
  5. Push the Repository to GitHub
    • shows how to push a local repository to github
  6. Clone a Repository from GitHub
    • you can clone a remote repository in visual studio by going to File -> Start Window
  7. Summary

Committing and Synchronizing Changes
  1. Introduction
  2. IJnderstand the Three Main Areas
  3. Commit and Push Changes
  4. Fetch and Pull Changes
  5. Stash Away Changes
  6. Summary
Branching and Merging Code
  1. Introduction
  2. Create a Branch
    • shows how to create a feature branch in Visual Studio 
  3. Create Another Branch
    • shows hot to push a local branch to remote to create it
  4. Merge a Branch
  5. Handle Merge Conflicts
  6. Summary
Working with Pull Requests
  1. Introduction
  2. What Is a Pull Request?
  3. Create a Pull Request
  4. Merge a Pull Request
  5. Summary
Viewing the History of Your Code
  1. Introduction
  2. View and Compare Commits
  3. Browse the History of a File
  4. Use CodeLens to View Changes
  5. Summary
Setting up GitHub Actions
  1. Introduction
  2. Set up a GitHub Action on GitHub
    • shows how to trigger a build using Github Action when you merge to Main branch 
  3. Create a Blazor Server App
  4. Generate a GitHub Action in Visual Studio
  5. Push Another Commit to Publish to Azure
  6. Summary


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