Angular Routing and Navigation Playbook

by Lara Newsom

Course Overview

  1. Course Overview

Course Introduction and Code Examples

  1. Course Introduction and Code Examples

Basic Angular Routing Setup

  1. Introduction to Angular Routing
  2. Discussion: Angular RouterModule Exports
  3. Demo: Bootstrap Angular RouterModule
  4. Discussion: Declaring Routes
    • angular has tow route path match strategies: prefix based or full match
      • prefix is the default
  5. Demo: Declaring Default and Home Routes
    • two options for declaring a default route:
      • {path: ' ', componenet: DefaultComponent}
      • {path: ' ', redirectTo: 'home', pathMatch: 'full'}
  6. Discussion: Child Routes and Route Order
  7. Demo: Declaring a Wildcard Route
    • wild card routes is: path: '**'
    • to enabled logging all navigation events to the console, enable tracing
  8. Demo: Hooking into Router Events

Routing in Standalone Component Applications

  1. Introduction to Standalone Components and Routing
  2. Demo: Bootstrapping Routing in a Standalone Component Based Application

User Navigation between Views

  1. Introduction to User Initiated Navigation
  2. Discussion: Introduction to RouterLink
  3. Demo: Add RouterLinks to Template Elements
  4. Discussion: Styling the Active Element with RouterLinkActive
  5. Demo: Style Active Links with RouterLinkActive
  6. Discussion: Navigating Programmatically
  7. Demo: Routing from Classed with RouterService

Driving State with Router Params

  1. Introduction to Router Parameters
  2. Discussion: Required Path Parameters
  3. Demo: Adding a Required Path Parameter
  4. Discussion: A Clear Flow of State
  5. Demo: Consuming Path Parameters in Components
    • using withComponentInputBinding
  6. Discussion: Understanding Optional Parameters
  7. Demo: Adding and Consuming Query Parameters
  8. Demo: Consuming Query Parameters in a Service

Creating Nested Router Outlets and Auxiliary Routes

  1. Introduction to Nested and Auxiliary Router Outlets
  2. Discussion: Nested Router Outlets
  3. Demo: Adding a Nested Router Outlet
  4. Discussion: When to Use Auxiliary Routes
  5. Demo: Adding an Auxiliary Route
  6. 5m 32s

Improving Performance with Lazy Loading

  1. Lazy Loading Introduction
  2. Demo: Lazy Loading a Module Based Route
  3. Demo: Lazy Loading a Standalone Component Route
  4. Demo: Setting an Application Preloading Strategy

Control User Navigation with Route Guards

  1. Introduction to Functional Route Guards
  2. Discussion: Angular Functional Route Guards
  3. Demo: Implementing CanMatch
  4. Demo: Converting a Class Based Guard to a Chainable Functional Route Guard
  5. Demo: Implementing a Route Resolver

Unit Testing Angular Router

  1. Introduction to Unit Testing the Router
  2. Discussion: What Are the Boundaries between Unit and End to End Testing?
  3. Demo: Unit Testing Functional Route Guards
  4. Demo: Unit Testing router.navigate
  5. Demo: Unit Testing RouterLinks with RouterTestingHarness


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