Angular Fundamentals 

by Jim Cooper and Joe Eames

Course Overview

  1. Course Overview
Getting Started with Angular
  1. Introduction
  2. What Is a Web Framework?
  3. A Conceptual Overview of Angular
  4. Introduction to TypeScript
  5. Preparing Our Development Environment
  6. Installing Node
  7. Installing the Angular CLI
  8. Creating a New Angular Application
  9. Exploring Our New Angular App
  10. Cloning Our Demo App
Creating Angular Components
  1. Introduction
  2. Creating Our First Angular Component
  3. Defining the Application Prefix for Components
  4. Using Inline Templates and Styles
  5. Accessing and Displaying Images
  6. Component Lifecycle Hooks
  7. Creating Additional Components
Using Angular Template Syntax
  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Angular Interpolation
  3. Binding to Component Data with Interpolation
  4. Using Attribute Bindings and Functions
    • one way binding is done using square brackets and it's only from component to template
  5. Repeating Data with *ngFor
  6. Handling Events with Event Bindings
  7. Handling Null Values with the Safe Navigation Operator
  8. Hiding and Showing Content with *ngIf
  9. Formatting Data with Angular Pipes
Styling Angular Components
  1. Introduction
  2. Styling an Angular Application
  3. CSS Encapsulation
  4. The NgClass Directive
  5. The NgStyle Directive
  6. Using CSS Frameworks with Angular
  7. Summary
Communicating Between Angular Components
  1. Introduction
  2. Communicating with Child Components Using Inputs
  3. Communicating with Parent Components Using Outputs
  4. Summary
Creating and Using Angular Services
  1. Introduction
  2. Creating an Angular Service
  3. Injecting a Service into a Component
  4. Encapsulating Business Logic in a Service
  5. Summary
Making HTTP Requests with Angular
  1. Introduction
  2. Observables
  3. Setting up the Proxy Server
  4. Making A GET Request
  5. Making a POST Request
  6. Summary
Routing and Navigating with Angular
  1. Introduction to Routing
  2. Adding Routing to an Existing Project
  3. Creating Routes for Navigation
  4. Creating Redirect Routes
  5. Linking to Routes
  6. Navigating From Code
  7. Defining and Accessing Route Parameters
  8. Accessing Query String Parameters
  9. Styling Active Links
Creating Angular Forms
  1. Introduction
  2. Adding Template-driven Forms to an Application
  3. Binding to Form Controls with ngModel
  4. Submitting a Template-driven Form
  5. Providing Better User Feedback from Our Sign-in Events
  6. Using Template Variables
  7. Validating Template-driven Forms
  8. Working with Multiple Validators
  9. Exploring Form Controls and Data Types
Organizing Angular Applications with Modules
  1. Introduction
  2. What Is a Module?
  3. Routing Modules
  4. Feature Modules
  5. Summary
Testing Angular Applications
  1. Introduction
  2. Unit Testing and End-to-end Testing
  3. Executing Unit and End-to-end Tests
  4. Modifying Unit Tests
  5. Summary


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