RxJS and Angular Signals Fundamentals


by Deborah Kurata

Mod 1: Course Overview

  1. Course Overview

Mod 2: Reactive Programming

  1. Reactive Programming
  2. Signals and Reactive Programming
  3. RxJS and Reactive Programming
  4. RxJS + Signals: Better Together
  5. Getting the Most from This Course
Mod 3: RxJS Terms and Syntax
  1. RxJS: A Metaphor
  2. Observable
  3. Subscription
  4. Observer
  5. Creating an Observable
  6. Demo: Creating an Observable (of and from)
  7. Demo: Creating an Observable (fromEvent)
  8. Key Points and Best Practices
Mod 4: RxJS Operators
  1. RxJS Operators
  2. What Is an RxJS Operator?
  3. RxJS Operator: map
  4. RxJS Operator: tap
  5. RxJS Operator: filter
  6. RxJS Operator: take
  7. Key Points and Best Practices
Mod 5: Retrieving Data with HTTP and Observables
  1. Retrieving Data
  2. The Sample Application
  3. Setting up the Sample Application
  4. Sample Code Walkthrough
    • review of the in memory db provided in angular
  5. Procedural Data Retrieval Pattern
  6. Demo: Retrieve an Array of Items in a Service
  7. Demo: Subscribe to the Returned Observable in a Component
  8. Demo: Retrieve One Item by ld
  9. Key Points and Best Practices
Mod 6: Handling HTTP Errors with Observables
  1. Handling HTTP Errors
  2. catchError, throwError, and EMPTY
  3. Demo: Handling HTTP Errors in a Service
  4. Demo: Handling HTTP Errors in a Component
  5. Key Points and Best Practices
Mod 7: Getting Related Data: switchMap, concatMap and mergeMap
  1. Techniques for Getting Related Data
  2. Demo: Retrieve Related Data - Part 1
  3. Higher-order Mapping Operators
  4. RxJS Operator: concatMap
  5. RxJS Operator: mergeMap
  6. RxJS Operator: switchMap
  7. Demo: Retrieve Related Data - Part 2
  8. Key Points and Best Practices
Mod 8: Using a Declarative Approach
  1. What Is a Declarative Approach?
  2. Demo: Declarative Data Retrieval Pattern
  3. Displaying Observable Emissions with the Async Pipe
    • you will need to import AsyncPipe to use async syntax when using standalone components 
    • two async pipes for the same observable can trigger two http calls
  4. Caching Retrieved Data
  5. Demo: Caching Retrieved Data
  6. Key Points and Best Practices
Mod 9: Reacting to Actions: Subject and BehaviorSubject
  1. Reacting to User Actions and Other Events
  2. Observable vs. Subject
  3. Creating a Subject and Emitting Notifications
  4. Reacting to Actions
  5. Reacting to Actions and Getting Data
  6. Reacting to Actions and Displaying Data
  7. Combining Observables
  8. Demo: Combining Observables
  9. Key Points and Best Practices
  1. Signals and Reactive Programming
  2. Creating and Reading Signals
    • a signal requires an initial value
  3. Demo: Creating and Reading Signals
    • signals don't yet support two-way binding
  4. Modifying Signals
  5. Demo: Modifying Signals
  6. Computed Signals
  7. Demo: Computed Signals
  8. Signal Effects
  9. Key Points and Best Practices
Using Signals to Build a Shopping Cart Feature
  1. Defining the Cart
  2. Adding Products to the Cart
  3. Declaring a Computed Signal for the Cart Count Badge
  4. Declaring Computed Signals for the Totals
  5. Reacting to Quantity Changes
  6. Declaring a Computed Signal for the Extended Price
  7. Key Points and Best Practices
RxJS + Signals: Better Together
  1. RxJS + Signals
  2. Creating a Signal from an Observable (toSignal)
  3. Demo: Creating a Signal from an Observable (toSignal)
  4. Error Handling
  5. Demo: Error Handling Using try...catch
  6. Demo: Error Handling Using the RxJS Pipeline
  7. Subject vs. Signal
  8. Creating an Observable from a Signal (toObservable)
  9. Exposing Only Signals from a Service
  10. Reading Signals from a Service
  11. Key Points and Best Practices


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