Advanced C#: Hands-on with LINQ, Dynamic Type, Extension Methods, and Tuples

by Matt Milner


  1. Advance your skills
  2. What you should know
  3. CoderPad tour

Mod 1: Joining with LINQ
  1. Joining datasets in a LINQ query
  2. Understanding issues of joining collections with databases
    • LINQ expression could not be translated

      to fix this issue, switch around the joins
  3. Code Challenge: LINQ cross-source join
  4. Solution: LINQ cross-source join
Mod 2. Using the Dynamic Type
  1. The dynamic type
  2. Using the dynamic type
  3. </> Code Challenge: Using a dynamic type in a method
  4. Solution: Using a dynamic type in a method
Mod 3. Creating Extension Methods
  1. Extension methods
  2. Creating a string extension
  3. Code Challenge: TrimAndPad extension method
  4. Solution: TrimAndPad extension method
Mod 4. Working with Tuples
  1. Tuples explained
  2. Deconstructing a record to a tuple
    • example of a Deconstruct 
    • you can use it like this

  3. </> Code Challenge: Use a tuple to return data
  4. Solution: Use a tuple to return data
Mod 5. Creating Generic Types and Methods
  1. Generic types and methods
  2. Generic collections
  3. Code Challenge: Generic class using collections
  4. Solution: Generic class using collections
Mod 6. Conclusion
  1. Conclusion


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