
Showing posts from October, 2023

C# Algorithms

Image by Kathryn Hodge Introduction Improve your C# applications with efficient algorithms What is an algorithm? How to optimize an algorithm Optimize an algorithm in C# How to describe the time complexity of an algorithm Chapter Quiz 1. String Algorithms Validate strings in C# Normalize strings in C# Parse and search strings in C# Create algorithm-driven strings in C# reverse a string using an array Challenge: Reverse each word Solution: Reverse each word Chapter Quiz 2. Array Algorithms Linear search arrays in C# Binary search arrays in C# if an array is sorted, it can be searched using binary search O(log(n)) time this clip shows how to write a method that does binary search c# has a build it binary search: Array.BinarySearch() Aggregate and filter arrays in C# Reverse an array in C# Challenge: Rotate an array Solution: Rotate an array 3. Linked List Algorithms What is a linked list? Common linked list operations in C# LinkedLi...

Advanced C#: Hands-on with LINQ, Dynamic Type, Extension Methods, and Tuples

Image by Matt Milner Introduction Advance your skills What you should know CoderPad tour Mod 1: Joining with LINQ Joining datasets in a LINQ query Understanding issues of joining collections with databases LINQ expression could not be translated to fix this issue, switch around the joins Code Challenge: LINQ cross-source join Solution: LINQ cross-source join Mod 2. Using the Dynamic Type The dynamic type Using the dynamic type </> Code Challenge: Using a dynamic type in a method Solution: Using a dynamic type in a method Mod 3. Creating Extension Methods Extension methods Creating a string extension Code Challenge: TrimAndPad extension method Solution: TrimAndPad extension method Mod 4. Working with Tuples Tuples explained Deconstructing a record to a tuple example of a Deconstruct  you can use it like this </> Code Challenge: Use a tuple to return data Solutio...

Git Debugging Techniques by Aaron Stewart  Mod 1: Course Overview Course Overview Mod 2: Debug Using Binary Search with Git Bisect Three Git Debugging Techniques Git Bisect Use Cases git bisect use to track down when and where a bug was introduced How to Use Git Bisect Git Bisect in Action  try it step 1) you start by doing git bisect start step 2) git bisect good <good commit> step 3) git bisect bad <bad ommit> step 4) test the code step 5) if test fails, inform git by doing git bisect bad step 6) repeat steps 4 and 5 until bug is found step 7) end session by doing git bisect reset Automate Git Bisect automate git bisect by using a script try it Mod 3: Debug Using File History with Git Blame Introduction to Git Blame Git Blame Use Cases Git Blame in Action using git blame with line numbers like this: git blame -L 67,82 index.html If you're in a situation where you can see the effect of a bug, but aren't sure which part of t...

Angular Reactive Forms

Image by Jim Cooper Mod 1: Course Overview Course Overview Mod 2: Getting Started with Angular Reactive Forms Introduction Angular Forms Architecture Overview Template Driven vs. Reactive Forms Cloning and Exploring Our Demo Application demo of InMemoryDbService will intercept http calls and return mock data Mod 3: Creating Angular Reactive Forms Introduction shows how to import ReactiveFormsModule Adding Reactive Forms to a Project Creating Form Controls The Magic of the ControlVa lueAccessor Directive Providing Values to FormControls Creating FormGroups you use formControl directive when you don't have a form group if you have a formgGroup, you use the formControlName directive Submitting a Reactive Form use case for Partial in typescript Saving Submitted Form Data Adding Unbound FormControls to a FormGroup shows how to have a form element that is not visible (is it hidden input?) huh Creating Nested FormGroups use case for get...