Serverless Computing with Azure Functions
by A Cloud Guru
Welcome to the Course
- Course Introduction
- About the Training Architect
Azure Functions Basics
- Serverless Computing and Azure Functions
- Essential Concepts in Azure Functions
- typically, an azure function has one binding
- however, it have 0 or more
- output bindings are referred to as integrations
- can be define using an attribute or a functions.json file
- Hosting Azure Functions
- a function application can have one or more function app
- hosting plans for azure functions: consumption, premium, and dedicated (app service plan)
- premium plans allow you to pick VM size
- premium plans hvae predictable pricing
- premium plans can have unlimited duration for function execution
- consumption plans can be hampered by cold starts
- dedicated plans offer dedicated VMs, unlike the other two plans
- You can also deploy your function applications within containers
- Real-World Uses for Azure Functions
Creating Functions in the Portal
- Create a Function App in the Portal
- azure functions need azure store queues to operate
- Create and Run a Function in the Portal
- http trigger
- authorizion level options are Function, anonymous, admin
- Exploring the HTTP Trigger Function and App, Part I
- function.json defines the function bindings
- Exploring the HTTP Trigger Function and App, Part 2
- you can use c# attributes to create bindings: funcitonname, httptrigger, etc...
- you can specify authoraztion level, http verbs, etc...
- Exploring the HTTP Trigger Function and App, Part 3
- you can configure bindings in the Integrate blade
- you can manage keys in the Manage blade
- shows where to configure Environment Variables
Developing Functions Locally
- Introduction to Azure Functions Core Tools
- Azure Function Core Tools is an open source project that allows you to build and run Azure Functions on your local system.
- Creating and Running a Function Locally
- demo of using azure function core tools
- Deploying a Function App to Azure with the CLI
Functions with Event Grid, Timers, and CosmosDB
- Timer-Based Functions
- Event Grid Trigger Functions
- timer trigger uses a cron expression
- you can use a c# attribute or function.json to specify the cron expression
- Output JSON Data to CosmosDB
- an azure function can listen to an Event Grid event
- shows how to configure an Event Grid azure function
Long-Running and Durable Functions
- Overview of Durable Functions
- Azure Durable Functions are an extension of Azure Functions that supports writing stateful function in a serverless environment.
- Implementing Durable Functions
- Patterns in Durable Functions
Managing Functions
- Using Deployment Slots
- Managing Configurations
- Version Management
- version strategies
- multiple app services
- different versions in different slots
- azure function proxies
- api management
- Monitoring and Logging
- logging and monitoring is done via Application Insights
- REST-Based APIs for Functions with Proxies
- HTTP-triggered functions support the concept of routes
- Proxies give you the ability to define a completely unique URL instead of the one created by default
- High Availability and Disaster Recovery
- use azure front door for active/active strategy
- Scalability
- Security
- use the API management to make azure functions more secure
Final Steps
- What's Next?
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