Deploying ASP.NET Core 6 Web API to Azure API Management

by Reza Salehi

Course Overview

  1. Course Overview

Azure API Management Overview

  1. Overview
  2. Introduction to Web APIs
  3. Demo: Developing an ASP.NET Core 6.0 Web API
    • You can use Node.js, PHP, .NET, .NET Core or other technologies with Azure API Management
  4. Demo: Deploying Our Web API to an Azure App Service
    • shows how to deploy API Management into an App Service
      • a demo of using Visual Studio to deploy to azure App Service
  5. New Business Requirements
  6. Introducing Azure API Management
    • You should have your APIs ready, before starting with the API Management!
    • All the API Management functionality is hosted and executed through API Gateway.
  7. Demo: Importing Our API to Azure API Management
    • shows how to add an API using a swagger spec file
    • shows how to filter api requests by ip address

Deploying APIs to Azure API Management
  1. Overview
  2. API Management Pricing Tiers
    • API Management Pricing Tiers
      • consumption
      • basic
      • standard
      • premium
        • provides virtual network integration
      • developer
  3. Provisioning API Management
    • you can use azure cli or powershell to provision APIM
  4. Demo: Provision API Management in Azure Portal
  5. Demo: Provision API Management in Azure CLI
  6. Demo: Provision API Management in Azure PowerShell
  7. API Management Products, Subscriptions, Version, Revision, and Policies
    • Products are how APIs are presented to client developers. API Management Products have one or more APIs and can be open or protected.
    • Revisions allow you to make changes to your APIs in a controlled and safe way
    • Policies enable you to change the API behavior through configuration
      • convert JSON response to XML, for example
  8. Demo: Prevent Bypassing API Management
    • to prevent users getting around APIM (so they won't be able to access backend api directly):
      • use a policy to pass a header from APIM and verify this header in code
  9. Demo: Save API Management Configuration in Git Repository
  10. Demo: API Management Products and Subscriptions
  11. Demo: API Management Developer Portal
  12. Demo: API Management API Versions
  13. Demo: API Management API Revisions
    • revision are like versioning
Enhancing APIs Using API Management Policies
  1. Overview
  2. Azure API Management Policies
    • policies are configured using xml
  3. Policy Scope
    • policies can be enforced at different scopes; globally, at api level, etc...
    • inter caching policies are available. you can also integrate with redis cache
  4. Demo: Applying API Calling Quotas
    • shows how to rate limit by ip address
  5. Demo: Limiting API Caller IPs
    • shows how to allow whitelisted ip address to use the api
  6. Demo: Changing API Response Type from JSON to XML
  7. Demo: Checking HTTP Request Headers
  8. Demo: Mock API Response
    • you can intercept a request and return a mocked response


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