NgRx Fundamentals
by Duncan Hunter
Module 1: Course Overview
- Course Overview
Module 2: Introduction
- Introduction
- ngrx allows you to manage state in angular
- Purpose of NgRx
- Managing global and local state
- Isolation of side effects
- Entity collection management
- Integration with the Angular Router
- Developer tooling
- different types of state: Persisted state, URL state, Client state, Local Ul state
- What Is NgRx?
- describes Actions, Reducer, Store in ngrx
- there is an optional NgRx library called componentStore for managing component state that makes additional stores
- components can subscribe to specific state changes with selectors
- NgRx Store Implements The Redux Pattern
- Why Use NgRx?
- Use NgRx To Manage State When
- Your application has a lot of user interactions
- Your application has a lot of different data sources
- Managing state in services is no longer sufficient
- Don't use NgRx when
- your application is simple with little shared state
- if you don't need global shared state, use ngrx component store (solution for local state)
- discussion of The SHARI Principle
- ngrx ensures type safety
- Getting the Most from This Course
- Sample Application
- Course Outline
Module 3: First Look
- Introduction
- Demo: Setting up the Sample Application
- sample application uses the in memory angular web api library
- Demo: Install and Initialize the Store
- shows how to import Storemodule and register reducers
- to install, npm install @ngrx/store
- shows how to inject Store
- Demo: Building a Reducer to Process Actions
- createReducer creates a reducer
- reducers a pure function and return a brand new state
- spread operator does only shadow copy
- show to create an action inline
- Demo: Dispatch an Action to Change State
- shows how to dispatch an action
- shows how to use select to subscribe to specific property of state and how to use it in a template
Module 4: Developer Tools and Debugging
- Introduction
- Steps to Install the Redux Store Dev Tools
- Install the browser Redux DevTools chrome extension
- Install @ngrx/store-devtools
- Initialize @ngrx/store-devtools module
- the chrome extension will add a Redux tab to the chrome dev tools
- in appmodule, you need to import dev tools module and configure it
- maxage has a default of 50
- Installing the Tools
- Demo: Using the Tools
Module 5: Strongly Typing Actions with Action Creators
- Introduction
- Rules to Writing Good Actions
- create many specific actions
- Write them upfront
- Divide by event source
- Capture events not commands
- Descriptive debug logs
- Writing Action Creators
- you can use createAction or createActionGroup to create actions
- Create Action Groups
- show how to create action with createActionGroup
- shows how to import and disptach actions from a component
- Demo: Action Creators
- Demo: Loading Products Action Creators
Module 6: Selecting State with Selectors
- Introduction
- it is not advisable to select properties from store, use selectors instead
- selectors make your code portable and add type safety
- use ceateSelector and createFeatureSelector to create selectors
- selectors can be composed
- Demo: Selectors
Module 7: Working with Effects
- Introduction
- What Are Effects?
- Effects are an RxJS powered side effect model for NgRx Store.
- an effect takes an action, does some work and dispatches a new action
- Defining an Effect
- an effect is an angular service
- shows an example of creating an effect
- Demo: Defining an Effect
- shows how to register an effect in a module
- Exception Handling in Effects
- use catchError operator to catch and return an error from an effect
- catchError needs to return on observable
- shows how a reducer can listen to a failed action from an effect
- RxJs Mapping Operators and Effects
- choose correct flatting rxjs operator
- concatmap is less performant
- mergemap handles requests in parallel
- switchmap only uses latest request
- exhaustmap is the opposite of switchamp
Module 8: Listen to Router State with Router Store
- Introduction
- shows how to configure routerstore in a module
- Demo: Add and Use Router Store
- Demo: Initialize State in Effect
- shows how to use the ngrxoniniteffects
- Demo: Navigating in Effect
- show to remove component dependency on service and router
- shows how to use effects to navigate with the router
Module 9: Managing Collections with Entity Adapter
- Introduction
- Entity Adapter
- entity adapter makes it easy to work with collections
- use createEntityAdapter to create an entity adapter
- EnityAdapter expects a Id property in your object (it can overridden)
- shows to use entity adapter with reducers and selectors
- Demo: Add and Use Entity Adapter in Reducers
- Demo: Entity Selectors
Module 10: Manage Local State with Component Store
- Introduction
- ComponentStore is a stand-alone library that helps to manage local/component state.
- it can be used without ngrx/store
- it uses a single file and it is local to the component
- Demo: Component Store
- npm install @ngrx/component-store
- create a service that extends ComponentStore
- use the super method to create the initial state
- add updaters and effects
- create a selector
- provide the service in the component
Module 12: Final Words
- Introduction
- Additional NgRx Libraries
- @ngrx/schematics: set of schematics for generating NgRx
- - ng generate store
- - ng generate action
- - ng generate reducer
- - ng generate effect
- - ng generate feature
- - etc ...
- @ngrx/data: Abstracts away the NgRx entity code
- @ngrx/component: Set of helpers to enable more fully reactive applications
- Stand Alone Components and Signals
- Closing
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