Implementing Scrum with Azure DevOps

by Benjamin Day

Module 1: Course Overview

  1. Course Overview

Module 2: Scrum Overview

  1. Introduction
  2. Scrum Framework Overview
    1. - definition: “A process for delivering done, working software in 30 days or less”
      - scrum was first presented in 1995 by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland
      - you can become certified in scrum
      - scrum roles: project manager, developers, scrum master 
      - scrum events: the sprint, sprint planning, daily scrum, sprint review, sprint retrospective
  3. Definition of Done
    • Definition of done should be documented 
    • Definition of done should be clear and shared with everyone
    • Without it, you are creating technical debt
    • It is not just code compiles and has been checked in. Definition of done should include QA testing and deployment to production 
  4. PBIS Should Be Completed to Done in One Sprint
    • pbis should be small enough to be completed in one sprint.
    • the entire team should work on one PBI at a time.
    • you can entirely change your priorities every sprint.
  5. Choosing Your Sprint Duration
    • 4 weeks: infrequent changes of priorities and high confidence in team to deliver
    • 3 weeks: infrequesnt changes of priorities and medium confidence in team to deliver
    • 2 weeks: frequesnt changes of priorities and average confidence in team to deliver
    • 1 week: constantly shifting priorities and low confidence in the team
  6. How to Be Successful at Scrum + Azure DevOps
    • don't try to adopt everything all at once
    • use azure devops to focus on 'Done'
    • try not to customize Azure Devops too much; the defaults are pretty good
  7. Summary

Module 3: Planning & Managing a Product Backlog
  1. Introduction
  2. What Is the Backlog? Why Do You Care?
    • prioritize based on business value
    • Product Owner (PO) is responsible for the backlog
  3. Demo: Create a Product Backlog in Azure DevOps
    • by default, when you add a PBI, it will add it to a sprint automatically 
  4. What Makes a Good Product Backlog?
    • title/description should be understandable to a not technical person
    • should be esitmated
    • should have an acceptance critrea
  5. Estimation and Velocity
    • Each PBI has an estimated effort (estimate to get to Done)
    • should not be estimated in hours
    • Fibonacci sequence is a typical way of estimating effort
    • Velocity: a metric that measures how much the team delivered in one Sprint
    • Velocity = Total # of Story Points delivered to Done in a Sprint
    • Track velocity over time to establish your average velocity
  6. Demo: Forecasting the Future Using Velocity
      • shows how to add a Velocity chart to Azure Devops dashboard 
      • shows how to display estimated Velocity for future sprints (forecasting based on velocity)
    1. Demo: Portfolio Backlogs
        • shows how to use the parents feature in Backlogs
          • shows how to go back and forth between Backlog Items view and Features view
            • shows how to map PBIs to Features using drag and drop
          1. Grouping & Organizing Work with Portfolio Backlogs, Areas, and Tags
            • a Feature in azure devops is for grouping PBIs that are expected to ship. Area Path is for long lived grouping; its PBIs can span across features
            • main downside of Area Path is that a PBI can have only one Area Path. use Tags instead of Area Path when you need flexibility 
          2. Demo: Grouping & Organizing Work Using Areas and Tags
            • to create an Area Path:
              •  Project Settings -> Project Configuration -> click on Areas tab -> click on New Child
            • shows how to filter Backlog view with tags
          3. Demo: Don't Put Bugs on Your Backlog
            • shows to hide Bugs from the Backlogs view
            • shows hot to prevent creating a bug from the Backlogs view
          4. Demo: Delivery Plans & PBI Dependencies
            • Delivery Plans help you manage your dependencies, visualize how you're delivering your work, and view how that work is being delivered and when against particular milestones.
          5. Summary
          Module 4: Sprint Planning
          1. Introduction
          2. What Is the Sprint Planning Meeting?
            • ideal length   for sprint planning:
              • 30-day Sprint: <8 Hours
              • 2-week Sprint: <4 Hours
              • I-week Sprint: <2 Hours
          3. The Sprint Goal
            • should be only one or two sentences
            • should not be a check list or technical
            • should be goal oriented 
          4. The What and How of Sprint Planning
            • developers should choose which PBIs they can do
            • agile vs scrum process templates
          5. The Dangers of Assigned Tasks
            • Want high-performance teams? Give them a clear goal and get out of the way. Let them self-organize
            • Hold the Team accountable rather than individuals.
          6. Demo: Sprint Setup
            • shows how to set sprint date
            • shows how to add a team member
            • shows how to set capacity
          7. Demo: Choosing PBIS for Your Sprint
          8. Demo: Tasks, Remaining Work, & Capacity
          9. Demo: Using the Backlog Board to Create Test Cases
          10. Summary
          Module 5: The Daily Scrum & Tracking Sprint Progress
          1. Introduction
          2. What Is the Daily Scrum?
            • "The purpose of the Daily Scrum is to inspect progress toward the Sprint Goal and adapt the Sprint Backlog as necessary, adjusting the upcoming planned work."
          3. Boredom, Risk, & Accountability
            • scrum standup should be about the team getting the sprint to done
            • advocates Team Delivery over Individual Delivery
          4. How Does Azure DevOps Help with the Daily Scrum?
          5. Version Control, Traceability, Branching, & Merging
          6. Demo: Feature Branches from the Backlog Board
          7. Demo: Scrum Board at the Daily Scrum / "Walking the Board"
          8. Demo: Using the Burndown Chart at the Daily Scrum
          9. Impediments
            • Two Ways to Show 'Blocked' in Azure DevOps
              • Task
                • Set 'Blocked' field to 'Yes'
                • Only works on Tasks
              • Add 'Blocked' tag to a work item
                • -Works on all work item types
          10. Demo: Tracking Blocked Tasks Using the Blocked Field
          11. Demo: Tracking Blocked PBIS & Tasks Using Tags
          12. Summary
          Module 6: The Sprint Review & the Sprint Retrospective
          1. What Is the Sprint Review?
            • sprint review is when you demo the sprint work to at the end of the sprint
          2. What Is the Sprint Retrospective?
          3. Azure DevOps at the Sprint Review & Sprint Retrospective
            • azure devops wiki supports mermaid diagrams
          4. Demo: Using the Azure DevOps Wiki via the Web Interface
          5. Demo: Using the Azure DevOps Wiki via Git
            • the wiki in azure devops is a repository and can be cloned
              • you may want to do this if you want to use a more powerful markdown editor
          6. Velocity & the Dangers of Undone Work in the Sprint
          7. Strategies for Handling Undone Work in Azure DevOps
            • don't reopen a PBI that has been marked done 
              • instead create a new status called Not Done and create a new PBI
          8. Demo: Handling Undone Work in Azure DevOps
          9. Summary
          Module 7: Automating Your Way to Done and Delivery
          1. Introduction
          2. Automation & the Definition of Done
          3. Tip: Get Your Database under Version Control
          4. Tip: Simplify Your Branching & Merging Structure
          5. Pull Requests
          6. Definition of Done, Pull Requests, and Policies in Azure DevOps
          7. Demo: Create an Azure DevOps Build Pipeline
          8. Demo: Add Branch Policies for Pull Requests
          9. Demo: Add a Build Validation Policy for Pull Requests
          10. Demo, Part 2 of 2: Create a PR Validation Build & Refactor to Use YAML Templates
          11. Demo: Analyze & Enforce Code Coverage Metrics in Pull Requests
          12. Demo: Enforce Coding Style Checks in Pull Requests
          13. Demo: Multi-Stage, Multi-Environment Deployments to Azure with Manual Validations
          14. Summary
          Module 8: Scrum & QA Testing
          1. Rethinking QA
          2. QA & the Sprint Planning Meeting
          3. QA Cases Help You Go Faster?
          4. QA Testing Features in Azure DevOps
          5. The Azure DevOps Browser Extension for Testing
          6. Demo: Create Test Cases
          7. Demo: Run Test Cases & Create Bugs
          8. Demo: Exploratory Testing
          9. Demo: Connect Test Cases to Automated Tests Using Associated Automations
          10. Summary
          Module 9: Backlog Refinement
          1. Introduction
          2. What Is Backlog Refinement?
          3. Benefits of Backlog Refinement & Levels of Refinement
          4. Estirnation Is a Waste of Time / How to Estimate
          5. Methods of Estimation
          6. Team-based Estimation with Story Points and Planning Poker
          7. Team-based Estimation for Statistical Forecasting
          8. How to Do a Backlog Refinement Meeting
          9. Demo: Product Backlog Refinement
          10. Backlog Refinement in Azure DevOps
          11. Demo: Customize Azure DevOps for Better Refinement
          12. Demo: Backlog Refinement Chart
          13. Demo: Refine & Split a Product Backlog Item in Azure DevOps
          14. Summary
          Module 10: Multi-team Scrum
          1. Introduction
          2. How Many Team Projects Do You Need?
          3. Teams in Azure DevOps
          4. Multitasking and Resources
          5. The Official Scrum Guide Guidance on Teams
          6. How to Organize Your Teams
          7. Demo: Teams in Azure DevOps
          8. Demo: Assign PBIS to Teams
          9. Summary
          Module 11: Metrics & Dashboards
          1. Introduction
          2. Metrics Skepticism
          3. Good Metrics vs. Bad Metrics
          4. Why Do You Want This New Metric?•. Good, Strange, & Bad Metrics
          5. Metrics Roundup
          6. Predicting the Future with Velocity
          7. Predicting the Future with Throughput
          8. Demo: Dashboards in Azure DevOps
          9. Summary & Thanks


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