Implementing Scrum with Azure DevOps
by Benjamin Day
Module 1: Course Overview
- Course Overview
Module 2: Scrum Overview
- Introduction
- Scrum Framework Overview
- - definition: “A process for delivering done, working software in 30 days or less”
- scrum was first presented in 1995 by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland
- you can become certified in scrum
- scrum roles: project manager, developers, scrum master
- scrum events: the sprint, sprint planning, daily scrum, sprint review, sprint retrospective - Definition of Done
- Definition of done should be documented
- Definition of done should be clear and shared with everyone
- Without it, you are creating technical debt
- It is not just code compiles and has been checked in. Definition of done should include QA testing and deployment to production
- PBIS Should Be Completed to Done in One Sprint
- pbis should be small enough to be completed in one sprint.
- the entire team should work on one PBI at a time.
- you can entirely change your priorities every sprint.
- Choosing Your Sprint Duration
- 4 weeks: infrequent changes of priorities and high confidence in team to deliver
- 3 weeks: infrequesnt changes of priorities and medium confidence in team to deliver
- 2 weeks: frequesnt changes of priorities and average confidence in team to deliver
- 1 week: constantly shifting priorities and low confidence in the team
- How to Be Successful at Scrum + Azure DevOps
- don't try to adopt everything all at once
- use azure devops to focus on 'Done'
- try not to customize Azure Devops too much; the defaults are pretty good
- Summary
Module 3: Planning & Managing a Product Backlog
- Introduction
- What Is the Backlog? Why Do You Care?
- prioritize based on business value
- Product Owner (PO) is responsible for the backlog
- Demo: Create a Product Backlog in Azure DevOps
- by default, when you add a PBI, it will add it to a sprint automatically
- What Makes a Good Product Backlog?
- title/description should be understandable to a not technical person
- should be esitmated
- should have an acceptance critrea
- Estimation and Velocity
- Each PBI has an estimated effort (estimate to get to Done)
- should not be estimated in hours
- Fibonacci sequence is a typical way of estimating effort
- Velocity: a metric that measures how much the team delivered in one Sprint
- Velocity = Total # of Story Points delivered to Done in a Sprint
- Track velocity over time to establish your average velocity
- Demo: Forecasting the Future Using Velocity
- shows how to add a Velocity chart to Azure Devops dashboard
- shows how to display estimated Velocity for future sprints (forecasting based on velocity)
- Demo: Portfolio Backlogs
- shows how to use the parents feature in Backlogs
- shows how to go back and forth between Backlog Items view and Features view
- shows how to map PBIs to Features using drag and drop
- Grouping & Organizing Work with Portfolio Backlogs, Areas, and Tags
- a Feature in azure devops is for grouping PBIs that are expected to ship. Area Path is for long lived grouping; its PBIs can span across features
- main downside of Area Path is that a PBI can have only one Area Path. use Tags instead of Area Path when you need flexibility
- Demo: Grouping & Organizing Work Using Areas and Tags
- to create an Area Path:
- Project Settings -> Project Configuration -> click on Areas tab -> click on New Child
- shows how to filter Backlog view with tags
- Demo: Don't Put Bugs on Your Backlog
- shows to hide Bugs from the Backlogs view
- shows hot to prevent creating a bug from the Backlogs view
- Demo: Delivery Plans & PBI Dependencies
- Delivery Plans help you manage your dependencies, visualize how you're delivering your work, and view how that work is being delivered and when against particular milestones.
- Summary
Module 4: Sprint Planning
- Introduction
- What Is the Sprint Planning Meeting?
- ideal length for sprint planning:
- 30-day Sprint: <8 Hours
- 2-week Sprint: <4 Hours
- I-week Sprint: <2 Hours
- The Sprint Goal
- should be only one or two sentences
- should not be a check list or technical
- should be goal oriented
- The What and How of Sprint Planning
- developers should choose which PBIs they can do
- agile vs scrum process templates
- The Dangers of Assigned Tasks
- Want high-performance teams? Give them a clear goal and get out of the way. Let them self-organize
- Hold the Team accountable rather than individuals.
- Demo: Sprint Setup
- shows how to set sprint date
- shows how to add a team member
- shows how to set capacity
- Demo: Choosing PBIS for Your Sprint
- Demo: Tasks, Remaining Work, & Capacity
- Demo: Using the Backlog Board to Create Test Cases
- Summary
Module 5: The Daily Scrum & Tracking Sprint Progress
- Introduction
- What Is the Daily Scrum?
- "The purpose of the Daily Scrum is to inspect progress toward the Sprint Goal and adapt the Sprint Backlog as necessary, adjusting the upcoming planned work."
- Boredom, Risk, & Accountability
- scrum standup should be about the team getting the sprint to done
- advocates Team Delivery over Individual Delivery
- How Does Azure DevOps Help with the Daily Scrum?
- Version Control, Traceability, Branching, & Merging
- Demo: Feature Branches from the Backlog Board
- Demo: Scrum Board at the Daily Scrum / "Walking the Board"
- Demo: Using the Burndown Chart at the Daily Scrum
- Impediments
- Two Ways to Show 'Blocked' in Azure DevOps
- Task
- Set 'Blocked' field to 'Yes'
- Only works on Tasks
- Add 'Blocked' tag to a work item
- -Works on all work item types
- Demo: Tracking Blocked Tasks Using the Blocked Field
- Demo: Tracking Blocked PBIS & Tasks Using Tags
- Summary
Module 6: The Sprint Review & the Sprint Retrospective
- What Is the Sprint Review?
- sprint review is when you demo the sprint work to at the end of the sprint
- What Is the Sprint Retrospective?
- Azure DevOps at the Sprint Review & Sprint Retrospective
- azure devops wiki supports mermaid diagrams
- Demo: Using the Azure DevOps Wiki via the Web Interface
- Demo: Using the Azure DevOps Wiki via Git
- the wiki in azure devops is a repository and can be cloned
- you may want to do this if you want to use a more powerful markdown editor
- Velocity & the Dangers of Undone Work in the Sprint
- Strategies for Handling Undone Work in Azure DevOps
- don't reopen a PBI that has been marked done
- instead create a new status called Not Done and create a new PBI
- Demo: Handling Undone Work in Azure DevOps
- Summary
Module 7: Automating Your Way to Done and Delivery
- Introduction
- Automation & the Definition of Done
- Tip: Get Your Database under Version Control
- Tip: Simplify Your Branching & Merging Structure
- Pull Requests
- Definition of Done, Pull Requests, and Policies in Azure DevOps
- Demo: Create an Azure DevOps Build Pipeline
- Demo: Add Branch Policies for Pull Requests
- Demo: Add a Build Validation Policy for Pull Requests
- Demo, Part 2 of 2: Create a PR Validation Build & Refactor to Use YAML Templates
- Demo: Analyze & Enforce Code Coverage Metrics in Pull Requests
- Demo: Enforce Coding Style Checks in Pull Requests
- Demo: Multi-Stage, Multi-Environment Deployments to Azure with Manual Validations
- Summary
Module 8: Scrum & QA Testing
- Rethinking QA
- QA & the Sprint Planning Meeting
- QA Cases Help You Go Faster?
- QA Testing Features in Azure DevOps
- The Azure DevOps Browser Extension for Testing
- Demo: Create Test Cases
- Demo: Run Test Cases & Create Bugs
- Demo: Exploratory Testing
- Demo: Connect Test Cases to Automated Tests Using Associated Automations
- Summary
Module 9: Backlog Refinement
- Introduction
- What Is Backlog Refinement?
- Benefits of Backlog Refinement & Levels of Refinement
- Estirnation Is a Waste of Time / How to Estimate
- Methods of Estimation
- Team-based Estimation with Story Points and Planning Poker
- Team-based Estimation for Statistical Forecasting
- How to Do a Backlog Refinement Meeting
- Demo: Product Backlog Refinement
- Backlog Refinement in Azure DevOps
- Demo: Customize Azure DevOps for Better Refinement
- Demo: Backlog Refinement Chart
- Demo: Refine & Split a Product Backlog Item in Azure DevOps
- Summary
Module 10: Multi-team Scrum
- Introduction
- How Many Team Projects Do You Need?
- Teams in Azure DevOps
- Multitasking and Resources
- The Official Scrum Guide Guidance on Teams
- How to Organize Your Teams
- Demo: Teams in Azure DevOps
- Demo: Assign PBIS to Teams
- Summary
Module 11: Metrics & Dashboards
- Introduction
- Metrics Skepticism
- Good Metrics vs. Bad Metrics
- Why Do You Want This New Metric?•. Good, Strange, & Bad Metrics
- Metrics Roundup
- Predicting the Future with Velocity
- Predicting the Future with Throughput
- Demo: Dashboards in Azure DevOps
- Summary & Thanks
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